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Human Rights & International Legal Discourse (HR&ILD)



  • Which information can I access?

    I only have a subscription to a journal which offers its subscribers the access to its content on Jurisquare:
    With the journal subscription and the login that you obtained from us, you have access to the Jurisquare search engine and the full electronic content of your journal. This not only includes the most recent issue, but also the complete digital archive.

    I have a subscription to the Jurisquare services:

    A Jurisquare subscription enables you to access the search engine and all references included in the database (journals and books). In order to gain access to the content of the journals, a subscription to the journal concerned is necessary. The online access conditions are determined by the publisher. Access to online books can be purchased online and are available immediately after purchase. Book prices depend on the type of the Jurisquare license purchased by the customer.

    You only need to have access to one specific article from a journal? Or maybe just one chapter from a book? No problem - many articles and chapters can be purchased separately, by means of online payment, transfer or using pre-purchased credits.

  • How do I change my personal information?

    You can check your personal details on the PROFILE page under your name. To modify these, please contact the publisher of the journal for which you have the subscription.

  • How do I gain access to the journal for which I have a subscription?

    You already have a subscription to a journal that offers its subscribers online access to its content on Jurisquare? Contact the publisher and ask for your login for this journal for Jurisquare.

  • Can I make purchases on Jurisquare if I am not subscribed?

    No, the purchase of legal publications via Jurisquare is reserved for Jurisquare subscribers only.

  • How do I find a journal or book in the library?

    Jurisquare members and other website visitors can search the complete Jurisquare library.

    • Click on the library tab to see a list of all Jurisquare books and journals. Recently added publications will be presented at the top of the list.
    • You can use the search bar to enter the publication title, author, editorial staff member or publisher.
    • On the left hand side, you will find several filters, that will enable you to search more efficiently.
  • How do I search the contents of the Journal for which I have obtained a login?

    Only logged in, you can do a full text search of the journal in Jurisquare. Click on the title of the journal for which you are logged in, and you will be presented the list of articles.

    • You can then use the search bar at the top of the page to search in all full text publications available on Jurisquare. Search results can be presented chronologically (most recent first) or according to relevance.
    • In the search bar, you can click on the calendar to enter a date (or period) for a judicial decision.
    • Every result includes the title of the contribution, its author(s), page number and, if applicable, place and date of jurisdiction.
    • In addition, you are also given the opportunity to see the relevant results from the other journals and books included in the full Jurisquare database. For this, you must login as a full service Jurisquare subscriber, or take such a subscription.
    • To the left of the results’ page, you will find several filters, that rank items according to relevance:
      • TYPE : Restrict your search to doctrine, jurisprudence or chronicle contributions.
      • LANGUAGE : Restrict your search to Dutch, French or English results (if the journal for which you are logged in, publishes articles in different languages).
      • COURTS : Limit your search to a specific court.
      • LOCATION : Limit your search to the place of jurisprudence.
      • AUTHOR : Limit your search a specific author.

    See advanced search for more information

  • How do I perform a full text search in Jurisquare?

    Only Jurisquare members can search full text documents. Click the FULL TEXT tab to view a list of articles and chapters.

    • Use the search bar at the top of the page to search in all full text publications available on Jurisquare. Search results can be presented chronologically (most recent first) or according to relevance.
    • In the search bar, you can click on the calendar to enter a date (or period) for a judicial decision.
    • Every result includes the title of the contribution, its author(s), page number, book or journal title and, if applicable, place and date of jurisdiction. In addition, each result will also feature several text excerpts from the contribution. When you click the page number shown in the excerpt, you will be directed to the relevant page.
    • To the left of the results’ page, you will find several filters, that rank items according to relevance:
      • WHERE? : This filter enables you to search in all Jurisquare documents or only those that you are able to access.
      • TYPE : Restrict your search to doctrine, jurisprudence or chronicle contributions.
      • LANGUAGE : Restrict your search to Dutch, French or English results.
      • BOOKS : Search in a specific book. If you do not select a specific book, you will search in all books .
      • JOURNALS : If you do not select a specific journal, you will search in all journals.
      • COURTS : Limit your search to a specific court.
      • LOCATION : Limit your search to the place of jurisprudence.
      • AUTHOR : Limit your search a specific author.

    See advanced search for more information

  • Can I save an article or chapter?

    Jurisquare documents are available in a user-friendly integrated reader. Journal articles can also be downloaded. Chapters from books cannot be downloaded, but depending on your license, you may be able to select, copy and print the required text.